This series explores the shadow side of personal existence and psychological beliefs about oneself. Internalized and held privately from the world, these beliefs are manifested as introversion, social anxiety and baseless fear.
Analogous to an isolated room in a dream state, each image is an examination of embedded self-conceptions and the desire to find release from their perceived envelopment. These places feel permanently tethered in imagination, walled in by their undulating, abyssal dark curtains. By turning the examination inward, the shadow self can be acknowledged and accepted, its veils worn thinner by light.
The images in this series are photographed and edited completely on a mobile device, with minimal lighting and repetitive visual devices. While a complex visual communication tool of the contemporary public persona is used in creation of the images, the limits of the technology mirror the series' restrictive theme through the limits of this image capture technology.
Analogous to an isolated room in a dream state, each image is an examination of embedded self-conceptions and the desire to find release from their perceived envelopment. These places feel permanently tethered in imagination, walled in by their undulating, abyssal dark curtains. By turning the examination inward, the shadow self can be acknowledged and accepted, its veils worn thinner by light.
The images in this series are photographed and edited completely on a mobile device, with minimal lighting and repetitive visual devices. While a complex visual communication tool of the contemporary public persona is used in creation of the images, the limits of the technology mirror the series' restrictive theme through the limits of this image capture technology.